This post graduate training could include Clinical Post-graduate certificate or diploma. Any pharmacists who have been employed under the Additional Role Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) will have also completed (or be working towards completion of) the Centre of Postgraduate Pharmacy Education (CPPE) pathway to ensure they are able to develop specialist skills needed for working within primary care.

Many pharmacists will have also undertaken independent prescribing qualifications or be working towards this qualification. This means they are able to more fully contribute to patient care and take the lead on managing a number of conditions within the primary care team.

Pharmacists provide a unique skill set of specialising in knowledge of medicines, how they work and how they can be best used to manage patients as part of a personalised regimen considering all factors from patient preference to comorbidities and interactions.

As a pharmacist working in a GP practice or PCN, you can expect:

  • to be challenged and feel rewarded.
  • every day to be different.
  • your skill set to be expanded.
  • to build long term relationships with patients and support the same families through various stages of life.

Our support to you

Northamptonshire Primary Care Training Hub (NPCTH) believes in investing in learning and development to enable individuals to reach their full potential and enhance care delivery and positive outcomes to patients accessing primary care.

We aim to support you, as an integral part of our workforce in General Practice, by facilitating access to relevant Continuing Professional Development (CPD) opportunities, mentorship, and restorative supervision.


Whether you are a newly qualified pharmacist or a pharmacist with lots of previous experience there are a range of opportunities to support your transition into General Practice:

Who can I contact?


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