What is a Care Coordinator

There are a number of different models for care co-ordination and care coordinators come from various backgrounds.

Care Coordinators play an important role within a PCN to proactively identify and work with people, (including the frail/elderly and those with long-term conditions), to provide coordination and navigation of care/support across health and care services.

Care Coordinators could potentially provide extra time, capacity, and expertise to support patients in preparing for or in following-up clinical conversations they have with primary care professionals. They will work closely with the GPs and other primary care professionals within the PCN to identify and manage a caseload of identified patients. This makes sure that appropriate support is made available to them and their carers, and ensures that their changing needs are addressed. This is achieved by:

  • Bringing together all the information about a person’s identified care and support needs
  • Exploring options to meet these within a single personalised care and support plan, based on what matters to the person

Our support to you

The Training Hub believes in investing in learning and development to enable individuals to reach their full potential and enhance care delivery to patients accessing Primary Care. We aim to support you as part of our workforce within General Practice by offering the opportunity to network, build a community of practice and gain additional skills needed for your role.


There are several opportunities to learn and gain peer support outside of our Training Hub.

SSM regional offer: learning, developmental and peer support

A range of learning and support options are available to you as part of NHS England’s regional supported self-management (SSM) offer, including:

Online ‘collaborative platform’: NHS England and NHS Improvement run an online community of people involved in SSM and care coordination colloquially known as the ‘collaborative platform’. Chat to other Care Coordinators and people who work in SSM to share experiences and best practice. You’ll also be able to access useful resources.

For access and further information about this training and support, email SSM at england.supportedselfmanagement@nhs.net with your contact details and the name of your PCN and let them know you are a Care Coordinator.

Personalised Care Institute (PCI) learning programme

The Personalised Care Institute (PCI) offers online learning programmes and training to help you develop key skills to deliver care coordination as part of a PCN’s multidisciplinary team. If you have any enquiries regarding funding, please contact info@personalisedcareinstitute.org.uk.


Care Coordinator Resources

Care coordination in primary care – August 2021 (PDF download)
Making sense of Coordinated Care – January 2019 (PDF download)

Money Talk Toolkit – Support patients with money-related health issues.
Decision Support Tools – NHS England has published 8 decisions support tools to help conversations between health professional and patient by explaining treatment, care and support options to help patient consider what matters most to them.
All Our Health communications Toolkit - All Our Health framework is a call to action to all health and care professionals to embed prevention within their day-to-day work. Through educational materials, tools and resources, All Our Health helps professionals make an even greater impact in preventing illness, protecting health, promoting wellbeing and reducing health inequalities.

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